Don’t Waste Your Pandemic

For almost two years now, a pandemic has made its home among us. In the early days, there were some who breezily opined that it was just another flu bug, and others who squawked that it was the end of the world. I suppose it has always been so when pestilence hits: some are predisposed... Continue Reading →

Seminary in Narnia

What, you may ask, is taking all of Kate's time, such that she rarely blogs any more? Friends, I am all in on William Tennent School of Theology, blogging for them, editing, planning and preparing. This week, all of the hard work is paying off, as we have welcomed the first group for the first... Continue Reading →

The Day of Small Things

Today, I am blogging over at Tennent's Light & Heat. What fun it has been to work on that publication, editing, interviewing, and occasionally, writing. Many thanks to all who have followed our blog over there! Here's an excerpt from today's edition: Then he said to me, “This is the word of the Lord to... Continue Reading →

Not a Sabbatical

This is not a sabbatical. No planning was involved, no packing, no welcome relief sweeping over us as we stepped away from the world. It’s a quarantine, and with our limited vocabulary, we’re pulling out words that we usually reserve for punishment: lockdown, grounding, solitary confinement. Could it be possible, even here, to cultivate a... Continue Reading →

Invest in the Ruins

I so enjoyed getting to interview Dr. Paul House for the Tennent blog this week! As it turned out, his words were incredibly relevant for this moment in our lives, an unintended side effect of our conversation. Dr. House has spent many years analyzing Bonhoeffer's seminaries. We tend to think of Bonhoeffer as a resistance... Continue Reading →

Both/And in an Either/Or World

I so enjoyed collaborating with my husband on an article for Light & Heat this week. Being part of designing a new seminary from the ground up has given us the opportunity to reimagine everything about theological education: who, what, when, where, and most importantly, why and how. Why have schools done things in a... Continue Reading →

Some Kind of Crazy

Perhaps the Lord is doing something. One spring day in 2018, Michael and I went to Denver’s Botanic Gardens on a date. We’d read about a job opportunity that intrigued us. For so long, Michael sensed a tug to shift from pastoring to teaching, but always with a "wait for it..." sort of caution in... Continue Reading →

A Determined Decade

After tomorrow, when we say "she was born in the 20s," we won't mean Gatsby and flappers any more. We're here, on the crest of a new decade, and who knows what cataclysms of history we're about to face? So much is unknown, so much is out of our hands, and yet "in your book... Continue Reading →

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